Friday, June 22, 2007

Yod'm 3D (3D Effect on your windoze)

/ On : Friday, June 22, 2007/ Thank you for visiting here. If you wanted to discuss or have the question around this article, please contact me e-mail at

Yod'm 3D

Yet anOther Desktop Manager 3D
( Windows 2000/XP/Vista )
( DirectX 9 required )
( Freeware )

Yod'm 3D is a virtual desktop manager with the fashionable effect : the cube

By default, the rotation of the cube is done with the keys CTRL+SHIFT+Arrows :

  • CTRL+SHIFT+Left/Right = Next/prev desktop

  • CTRL+SHIFT+Up = Activate and show a "far" view of the current desktop, Left and right to turn the cube

  • CTRL+SHIFT+Down = Activate and show a "near" view of the current desktop, Left and right to turn the cube

Hold down CTRL+SHIFT to use the mouse to turn the cube.
( The rotation is possible only horizontally )

To move a windows to another desktop :

  • Click on the title bar of the window (not maximized if possible), hold down
  • Push CTRL+SHIFT to activate the cube, hold down
  • When the cube is activated, move the window on left or right
  • Release CTRL+SHIFT

To change the wallpaper of a desktop :

Just use Windows !
For each desktop, change the wallpaper using the windows display setting.

Switch to another application :

Click on the Yod'm 3D icon in the taskbar, the list of the windows opened in other desktop appear.
Click on the application to switch to the desktop.

Donlot Di sini: LINK